So, I've been busy! Another 5 blocks done and I've got row 4 almost completed. It's very exciting. I've even gotten started on that machine applique I wanted to get done but the Farmer's Wife continues to mesmerize me......
Here's Row 4, missing only one block which was completed this pass week. I will now be able to complete the row and add it to the quilt top.....progress is a real motivator.
Block 27 - Darting Birds (52 pieces)
Block 28 - Duck and Ducklings (29 pieces)
Block 30 - End of Day (16 pieces)
Block 33 -Farmer's Puzzle ( 27 pieces) This is the block that completes Row 4.
Block 36 - Flower Garden Path (42 pieces) This one is one of my favourites colourwise.
So off I go to continue this obsession.....already moving on to Row 5......
Have a great day everyone!