I like writing the two blogs because on this one I feel I can be more candid with my readers and so now I will tell you why I am baffled, or maybe I'm dyslexic.....not really sure! If you read the "Doodle" blog yesterday then you know I spent Friday night - unstitching my Lithia Park. Why - well here's the picture of the quilt -
You can see the pattern and how the flowers point in at each other, well somehow I had a whole row pointing in the opposite directions - DUH! I mean how do you not see that?!?! It's a good thing Cathie noticed before I put my borders on because I seriously did not see the problem....okay, must be dyslexia or something! I was hoping to get it fixed today and get the borders on so it could go in the quilt pile, but, alas......
I had other things I wanted to do also!!!! Like finish my Urban Pods quilt top. It is here we hit (BIG BRICK WALL!!!) the next reason for the bafflement!!!! First, about two rows into the quilt top I realized I had mixed up the colours, so the grey is where the white should be and the white is where the grey should be. Okay, no big deal - it still works with the pattern and it still looks good, so I wasn't going to go and re-cut all that fabric - I mean, seriously, what a waste. Then, I had half the quilt top done and even had it displayed in the store yesterday with the Quick Curve Rulers and the really cool patterns and in all honesty no one else noticed the MISTAKE either!!! Of course, it was only half a quilt so I guess I can understand somewhat why no one would really notice.
Let me set the stage for the EUREKA moment....When I originally cut the curves for the quilt I made a little mistake and needed to cut an extra strip. I am at the point in the making of the blocks where I needed that extra strip, so I sat down to cut them. At the same time I had a really good look at the pattern......the one below....
Note that the images appear to be hourglass shaped until you hit the centre of the quilt where they turn upside down. Guess, just guess what I did! I had sewn them together in the hourglass shape all the way down - DUH! This quilt is sewn in vertical strips UGH! However, I was able to take out the 3 segments across because my seams matched so well - that's a good thing!!! So I just spent the last 45 minutes unstitching yet again!! Admittedly I have been a little preoccupied of late - what with the store moving and all that but still!!!!
I am off to fix up the mistake and continue as if nothing was wrong - yet again!!! Hopefully I will waste no more time on these dumb screw ups and just get on with the important stuff.
By the way - I started on the newsletter today so another day or two and we will have an idea as to what we'll be doing for the next few months.....hope you will all be joining me!
Have a great day everyone!