Wednesday, June 29, 2011


....that would be me!  As I mentioned yesterday, Barb and I had picked the perfect fabric for the sashings on my quilt but we both realized that there really wasn't enough so I showed you a second fabric I was going to introduce to alternate with and voila I would have my sashings.....

This morning I got creative (stubborn more like).  I was determined to get my sashings out of that fabric I didn't have enough of.  I measured and found that I had a piece that was 14-3/4" x 42".  If I had cut it the normal way I could have gotten 7 strips of 1-1/2" which would have given me 21 pieces 1-1/2" x 12-1/2" - I needed 31.  Soooooo.....I cut one strip of 1-1/2" which gave me 3 pieces and left me with a long piece of fabric 13-1/4" x 42.  If you divide 42 by 1-1/2" you get that's what I did! 
 This is what I had left over - luckily there were no mis-cuts!!!!
 I stopped to make a fabulous dinner of left over corn, rice and veggies and fresh salmon....
I even had a fabulous dessert of Blueberry Crumble and ice cream......
 ....and then I finished the centre of my quilt!  I love it and I'm so glad I waited until this morning when I could mentally work out the strategy to get what I wanted.  Two more borders and I'm Done but I also have to fix the mistake - can you see it?????  It's good that I took the photo because it jumpted right out at me once I saw the photo......
I'm a little tired now so I think I'll wait until tomorrow morning to fix it but let me know if you've found it.....

Have a great day everyone!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Much better......

I have to say today was a much better day for me!  I managed to get the 12 blocks done on the purple and yellow quilt - am now picking out sashings - what do you think?!?!

Unfortunately or fortunately when working with the "stash" only you have to be a little creative and I am determined to use the stash.  I have half a yard (bought in the U.S. many years ago) of two purples that will have to work together on this one.  I think I've found the right mix.....

Planning on spending the day in the store on Wednesday so if you want to drop by I'll be the "guest" worker LOL....actually am going to try and get back in on a regular basis but we'll have to see how I hold out!

Barb dropped by this evening which prompted me to make dinner.... I barbecued chicken and Kitzesot (it's ground beef seasoned with cumin - delicious!)  and veggies and made some rice on the side.  I have to admit by the time I was finished I was ready to collapse so Jonathan came out and finished it all up for me!  He even complimented the meal - very unusual - but it really was good! 

It seems I'm not getting enough protein so I think I fixed that one today.  My ankles and feet are swelling and the doctor said it's because I'm not getting enough protein.....

Tomorrow I'm hoping to set up "Bernie" to do some quilting - I'm a little behind and there's a pile waiting so really gotta get a move on here.

Off to read and heading for bed....

Have a great day everyone!


Sunday, June 26, 2011

I've had....

......better days!  Today is one of the bad ones but I'm perservering and just hoping to get through it as best I can.  Everything tastes bad, everything smells bad, I can't get comfortable and everything I'm not a happy camper!

However,  I did want you all to notice that I've added a new Blog to the blogs I follow - it's called Knit, Purl and repeat!  Yes it's about knitting but that's not all - it's also Barb's blog so definitely one I will follow happily....

She's a very good knitter and if we ever get things back to normal at the store I may even consider running some classes.....could be interesting, there are never enough "take-a-long" projects" to have and knitting can certainly be one of those.  My knitting leaves alot to be desired so I could use a few lessons too!

I'm actually going to try and get some more of my Alaskan Wildflowers done today - I managed to finish another block yesterday and they go pretty quickly now that all the "small" blocks are done so I may just get something done......then I have to pick my sashings and cornerstones and my borders....

I'm hoping to drop into the store tomorrow to say HI to the Monday girls so I'll have to get some rest in today too.....

Have a great day everyone....


Friday, June 24, 2011

Where was I????

Okay - so I had the third treatment yesterday and everything went well.  You always walk into the clinic with fingers and toes crossed because you never know if the blood counts are good, etc. so that the treatment will go's always a crap shoot but so far so good!

I also went to see the doctor on Wednesday afternoon and to have my blood tests.  This is the first time I went to see him on my own and it's the first time I actually listened this time.  Looks like I missed out alot on the first meeting, I was worried more about how I was going to tell Jonathan the news so I missed everything that was said and my BFF Mucie has early altzeihmers and hears everything but remembers nothing.

Turns out that there's more to come....the third treatment is the turning point.  Now we have a CT Scan to see if everything is moving in the right direction.  The next decision is the doctors'  - whether to do 3 more chemo treatments now or do the hysterectomy and do the chemo later......all shall be revealed after the CT scan.

In the meantime my plan is to get back to work!  I'm hoping to be in the store on Wednesday this week and then slowly coming back more and more over the next few weeks.  Life has to start getting back to some kind of normalcy and I'm going to try to make that happen.

By the way - the name of the quilt (purple and yellow) is Alaskan Wildflower and is from the book The Big Book of Patchwork by Judy Hopkins - it came in to the store last month and I couldn't resist the's going to be awesome.....

Going comatose for the next two days (they're usually my worst after the treatment) !

Have a great day everyone,


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Time flies.....

It's been almost 10 days since my last update!  I can't believe how quickly time goes by, it truly amazes me.....I know that this last bout of chemo knocked me right out and I have been sleeping alot more than the last time.... That having been said I really can't believe I'm going back in for #3 on Thursday and that is the last treatment!

I've had some company the past 3 weeks, Rich has been dropping Gizmo off some mornings and she's been keeping me company.....she loves it here, she has the run of the house and of course has her favourite spot on the couch....any couch!
I've also gotten a few things done, like layering and pinning a quilt top.  Not sure when I'll get around to quilting it - it's in the pile....there's 4 other quilts ahead of this one but what the heck....I'll get it done!
I also have Sonja set up so I've started piecing my next quilt - only need 11 more blocks and this one will be done....I'll keep you posted,  it's been a long time coming!  This one is all from my's a sample for the store but it's also for my cousin who loves purple.  I can't wait to see it done.....slowly but surely it will get there!  On my good days I can get quite a bit done so hopefully I have a few of those coming up...... 
Gonna get back to my quilting and I'll soon be back in the store on a regular basis and I really can't wait......

Have a great day everyone!


Sunday, June 12, 2011

I've been missing!

I can't believe that I've been off the grid for 5 days!  It really didn't seem that long but the evidence is the blog which shows the last posting as June 7th!  At any rate I have had some pretty good days - mostly doing alot of paper work which has been long overdue.

I was getting ready for a short visit from my friend Libby and her mom, Pauline, who are on their way to Mexico for a week.  They arrived last night at around 4:30 P.M. but more about that later.  I spent 3 days cleaning the house and even though it felt like it took forever it was well worth the can actually see the floor!!!!

 ....and the coffee table is finally clear of all kinds of stuff, because it's so big it tends to be a catch all for just about everything....just organizing everything was a chore!
 For me it was a major overhaul, getting all the projects sorted and put aside.....of course it's important to let you know that not everything got sorted but the floors all clean and clear and it just feels great.  I really would love to keep it that way.....Surprisingly, Jonathan has been pretty good about this, he's been keeping it pretty clean but it's early days yet.....
 Even the hallway is clear (can't wait to get some stuff up on those blank walls - soon!).......
 So, even though it's been cleaned, the boxes of paper work and bags with projects still needed a home and the office/den is not so clean soon will be though because those boxes are going to the accountant shortly......
 Unfortunately my desk still leaves alot to be desired!  Once Rich gets that Bulletin board up I will fix up the desk and get some great stuff up on the walls.... the house is still a work in progress but it's slowly coming along......
So in honour of Libby, since she went to so much trouble cleaning, cooking and doing laundry while she looked after me in May after my first chemo treatment I wanted her to know that all her efforts didn't go to waste.  They arrived yesterday afternoon and then came Suzi and Barb and the 5 of us headed out to dinner at Zets out by the airport!  The best food ever!  Chicken souvlaki, gyros, burgers, steaks and to die for Fish & Chips!  You can't go wrong - the food is amazing!  I've been going there for a number of years and I introduced Libby to it a couple of years ago - she never misses an opportunity to go there when she's in town.....

We all went back to my place for dessert, Strawberry Shortcake, and coffee!  Admittedly I was exhausted but it was an amazing evening spent with good friends.  Libby brought two quilts which she machined quilted for Suzi and they are both absolutely amazing.  Once Suzi has the binding on them I'll ask her if I can take some pictures......Libby is an extremely accomplished machine quilter, all this in one year, she took to it like a duck to water!

Speaking of quilting, I started my "Milestone Diary" today.  It's basically a list of the things I want to accomplish each day (the blog was #7 but so far I still need to do 2-6, I skipped ahead for the blog).  It's not that I have to accomplish everything each day - it's just a guide for me, but each time I tick something off I feel great! 

Barb took me shopping on Friday evening and it took me two hours to go through Metro - it never took that long before, I feel so slow moving!  The walking is a chore but I got everything I needed and that included quite a bit of fresh meat.  This afternoon, in two sessions, I prepped and froze what we're not using immediately.  That used to take 1/2 hour to an hour, today I had to split it up but still I got it done.  Learning my current limitations appears to be part of the process here.  Before I would just push on and then end up sick or just not feeling well.  Now, I stop as soon as I feel I've had enough....

So now I'm off to layer and pin two baby quilts, maybe set up the Bernina and/or the Janome and quilt or piece....I fgure I owe myself some "fun" time and relaxition and that begins with a Q for quilting!!!!!

Have a great day everyone!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I am doing my job!

It appears that my job is to "get well"!  I am seriously trying to do that......yesterday was a bit of a difficult day but in the end I have to say that I did accomplish something!

I got a good deal of "book work" done which has been sporadic to say the least.  I really knocked myself out doing that so I went upstairs to lay down.  That worked and I was able to watch the hockey game, but since I can't just "SIT" and watch I actually got some hand work done.

I worked on my rooster/chicken pillow and I did some beading on a sashiko piece I have been working on.  Nancy already did the cow and the sheep pillows and they are on display at the store, I think we still have the pattern.  I'm trying to get UFO's done and that is definitely a UFO!
The pattern is Old MacDonald's Farm from Country Quilts and she's got some great patterns, country like but some of them are really adorable......

I plan on getting a few more in the store as well as hopefully getting some done for the house....

Going to try and get lots more done today!  I will not define LOTS!  A little is good too!

Have a great day everyone!


Monday, June 6, 2011

A Good Day!

It's really nice when I have a "good" day and yesterday was a pretty good day.  I finished the binding strips for Island Chain and as soon as the batting arrives in the store I can get it layered and quilted.

I also finished my Bulletin Board that I have been working on for a few weeks.  Liz donated the red Rick Rack and I added the fabric, buttons and the I just have to get Rich to put it up near my desk and I'm good to go!  That may take another few weeks as he's so busy right now I hardly see him.....
I had purchased this fabric, with roosters of course, a number of years ago and never knew what I was going to do with it.  It's on the bulletin board - I stapled it with some polyester batting and then put the rick rack on.  I also added some decorative buttons and then painted a few flowers on.  I had some fabric left over so I made a "babushka" for my bald head LOL!
It appears that I can work anywhere - I also cut strips for a project!  Not telling yet what it is but the book on the hassock is a clue!  This book has 50 quilts in it and it's really a fabulous book.......I have 4 more strip sets to cut and then I'll be on my way.....

Aside from some on and off stomach pain so far today I anticipate another day of "production".  We can only hope - I'm off to get some stuff done today too!  I'm excited that I can actually do this!

Have a great day everyone!


Sunday, June 5, 2011

2 down....1 to go!

Last Wednesday I had my second Chemo Session.  Only one more to go!  June 23rd!  I feel like I am almost back in the "land of the living"!  They tell me if you don't go through all the after effects - it's not working.  Let me assure you all - it's working!!!!

I believe that the person who coined the phrase - "Today is the first day of the rest of your life!"  was a chemo patient.  That's exactly what it feels like once you get through all the discomfort and pain.  I won't say it's over but it certainly has subsided to an extent and I am able to function again.

I haven't been able to take much advantage of that back patio yet, the weather just isn't really co-operating but whenever I can I get out there.  One of my closest friends was over last night and I mentioned how useless and unproductive I feel - she put it to me in a way that really opened my eyes.....she said:  "Your body is fighting a war and it's taking all of your physical and mental resources - that's productive and useful!  The fact that you can't sit at the computer and work or at the sewing machine and quilt or even sit and knit is not a sign that nothing is getting done!".

So - I guess I'll stop beating myself up for not getting anything done!  When I get something done I'll consider it a milestone and praise myself accordingly.

Okay - enough of this - I actually feel almost good enough to get something done today so I am off to try that out......

Have a great day everyone!


P.S. I promise pics on the next blog.....will keep you all posted!